IMMI Pictures is a dynamic film production company with an innovative approach to the filmmaking business that integrates the concepts of broad audience appeal and profit, while focusing on films that are intelligent, thought provoking, and powerful: the experience of creating intelligent and profitable movies should be as enjoyable to those who actually make them as it is for those who see them on the big screen.

We believe that the entertainment media has an instrumental power in shaping our contemporary culture. Our mission is to champion the human spirit and inspire a sense of optimism through film by celebrating hope, virtue and love.

The Birth of IMMI Pictures

The story of IMMI Pictures begins in a hotel room in London. While channel surfing one evening, Heriberto Schoeffer chanced upon a BBC production that planted a seed in his life.

"What I saw was an extremely well produced film about a subject I know a lot about," he recalls. "In maddeningly subtle ways it was distorted, almost sinister," he says. "I felt a strong impulse to get into the film business, not to criticize others, but to offer audiences an alternative choice." Thus was borne his dream, as he puts it, "to build a studio and change the world."


Heriberto Schoeffer, President & CEO
IMMI Pictures, P.O. Box 7631
Ventura, CA 93006-7631
Tel: +1 310.403.3198